Fixing Stuff Samuel

notes for troubleshooting wamp install

To see what else is running on port 80:
(in the command prompt run)
netstat -aon| findstr :80

To Fix error message:
vcruntime140.dll is missing from your computer

Fix by downloading Redistributable C++
If that one doesn’t work, fix by downloading the 2012 version

the 2012 version successfully installed for me on windows 7, 2015 version would not install

path to httpd.conf file:

**tip** open this in notepadd++ for improved formatting

Fix the broken links to folder on the default localhost page:
find the local host suppression code and set to false
$suppress_localhost = false;

That is all for now, I will continue to add tips onto this page as I find them…. the next thing I would really like to do is set a symlink from the wamp www folder to my local freenas machine, this would look something like:

/wamp/www/projectx /freenas/path-to-website-files/projectx

I’m pretty sure this can be done, it for sure can be done locally but adding in the complexitiy of doing of a cifs windows share is a little too much for today….. will save that for another time.