Fixing Stuff Laravel

installing node.js on windows 7 computer

Installing node.js on my windows 7 machine  was a bit of a struggle so I wrote down the notes:


1.) Install node.js from their site.  Just use the big green button, download the installer

2.) Run their auto installer and then open up git bash (note open it up in the project folder you are attempting to install bower in)

3.) If your using windows you will need to install node.js then set your environment variables (start > run > environment variables > path > edit ) then add this line to the end “;C:\Program Files\nodejs”

4.) Open up git bash and type “npm install” (if you get an error you will just need to manually create the “npm” folder in (C:\Users\your-user\AppData\Roaming ).  *replace your-user with your current user, and also its possible your file path will be different, if a different file path is echo’d out in the command prompt then use that file path.

5.) you should be able to type “npm” and load the node package manager, once that loads you can type “bower install” and load bower then you should be all set to use data tables (or whatever you loaded node.js into your project to do)