Fixing Stuff Samuel

Two Great Physical Therapy Posts

These are two great links to physical therapy posts for heel pain and hip pain:

Fixing Stuff Laravel Samuel

Fixing Laravel Localhost Email Issue

While updating a clients site today we ran into an error message when trying to do a test on a submission for a new contact form that was created, the error message read:

cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate (see

To Fix This Issue we Completed the Following Steps:

I am using PHP 7.1.9 for my WampServer, so change 7.1.9 in the example below to the version number you are currently using.


  • Change it to:

curl.cainfo = "C:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.1.9\cacert.pem"

  • Make sure you remove the semicolon at the beginning of the line.
  • Save changes to php.ini, restart WampServer, and you’re good to go!

That fixes our issue with the curl error if we are using localhost to server our site, but if we are using php artisan server to dispaly the webpage then we also need to complete the steps below:

If your laravel project is located in c:\wamp\laravel\ then you should be able to call http://localhost/laravel/public and see the default laravel welcome page or your own.

  1. Open your /app/config/app.php file and check that the value of url directs to your project. 'url'=>'http://localhost/laravel/
  2. Then open your .htaccess file and add the RewriteBase rule under the RewriteEngine On Line RewriteBase /laravel/public/

Credit for these answers goes to:

Fixing Stuff Samuel Uncategorized

A Couple Physical Therapy Exercises

Jaw pain: 

*these are great as well:

  1. Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Open your mouth as wide as you comfortably can, and hold for 5-10 seconds.
  2. Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Glide your lower jaw out as far as it will go and then back in as far as it will go. Hold for 5-10 seconds in each position.
  3. Slowly and steadily open your mouth as wide as it will comfortably open, with your tongue in a neutral position. Hold for 5-10 seconds then close your mouth. Next, open your mouth slightly and glide your lower jaw back and forth 5-10 times.
  4. Close your mouth. With your head facing straight ahead, glance to the right with your eyes only. Extend your lower jaw to the left and hold for 5-10 seconds. Repeat on the opposite side.
  5. Place a thin object, such as a pencil or paintbrush, in between your front teeth. Slide your lower jaw forward so that the object rests in between your back teeth and front teeth. Hold for 20 seconds.

knee and hip pain:

1. Lengthening Stretch

Because the iliotibial band is a connective tissue and not a muscle, you can’t really stretch it (or it would take too much force than you are capable of). But that “tight” sensation can be alleviated by stretching the surrounding muscles. This move stretches the tensor fascia latae, a muscle that runs across the hip and outside of the leg. Cross the injured leg behind the other leg and lean toward the uninjured side. First, stretch with your arms over your head, creating the shape of a bow from ankle to hand with the injured ITB on the outside, then bring your arms down to touch the ankle on the inside of the bow. Hold for 15 seconds and repeat 10 times. Perform 3 sets a day.

2. Clam Shell

Place a resistance band around your legs just above the knees and start by lying on your left side with head resting on left arm, knees bent and stacked. Slowly draw right knee up toward ceiling to open legs like a clamshell. Perform the exercise slowly with emphasis on good form. Build up to 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each leg. When this exercise becomes easier and the leg remains pain-free during the process, you can move on to more advanced strengthening.

3. Side Leg Lift

Start by lying on your left side with legs straight and feet stacked. Lift your right leg straight up, then extend the leg backward in that plane, move it forward, and then return it to the starting position. Form is very important. Check that you have a straight line from shoulder to ankle with the top hip slightly in front. (Do not let the top hip rotate backward.) Perform the sequence slowly with toe pointed down. Build up to 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg. Once you can handle that with no pain, make the move harder by lifting body into a side plank position with shoulder directly over elbow and hips lifted as shown. Build up to 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg.ADVERTISEMENT – CONTINUE READING BELOW

4. Single-Leg Squat

Start standing and shift weight to right leg. Balancing on right foot, send hips back and bend right knee to lower one-quarter of the way down into a squat. Make sure the knee stays straight over the foot and does not collapse inward. Extend arms straight out for balance.

After you have mastered the straight quarter squat, make the exercise more challenging by mimicking running form, extending the unsupported leg behind you and bringing it through to lift the knee in front of you. Ultimately, work your way up to touching the ground in front of you on the forward lean. Then you can progress to holding a medicine ball overhead.

5. Hip Hike

When strong enough, eccentric strengthening works the hip abductors in the same manner in which they function during running. Stand with left foot on a step or a stair, and let the right foot hang off. Place hands on hips for balance, then raise the other foot by lifting your hip on that side, while taking care to stay in a straight, upright position. Slowly lower the hip to the bottom of your range of motion, while staying upright. Perform 10 repetitions on each side and build up to 3 sets.

Fixing Stuff Samuel

Fixing Problem Printing On New Google Calendar

I had been having difficulty printing after Google Chrome updated to the latest version, which at the time of this writing is: 75.0.3770.100. I can choose settings print or hit Control + P and the print preview box shows up, but then when the actual print button is clicked nothing happens. The preview window disappears and no print job is started. There is also no error or warning message displayed.

This fix should work for any version of Chrome but check your version you can click the three dots in the upper right hand corner of the screen then select Help -> About Google Chrome

The Fix For This Issue:

Go to Settings -> Advanced -> Site Settings -> Pop-ups and redirects. Add to the “Allow” list then go back to your calendar page and hit control + p, the print function should now be back working 🙂

—If this still does not work, an alternative workout is to hit control + shift + p and that will open your computers default print dialog box and you can print the calendar from there without a preview

Fixing Stuff Laravel Samuel

NPM Install Error On Laravel Project

When Running npm install we were getting the following error:

npm ERR! cb() never called!

To Fix this we ran:

npm cache verify

Then We Re-Ran npm Install and everything installs successfully 🙂

Fixing Stuff Samuel

Pairing An Android and IOS Device To UE BOOM Speaker

We have an issue in our household. 1 person has an Android phone, and one person has an IOS device. When trying to pair both of them to the UE Boom speaker we run into an issue where the IOS device seems to prevent the android device from pairing. The only solution we have found for this is to:

  • Hold The Volume Down and Power button on the UE BOOM device. Wait about 5- 10 seconds while holding both buttons and you will here a little jingle. Release both buttons and the device will turn off
  • Hit the power button again and then pair your Android device first

This Fix will last for several weeks, and will simply have to be repeated if/when the Android device is prevented from pairing again in the future. What you are doing by holding the volume down and power buttons is clearing all of the paired devices from the speaker and factory resetting it. Not the most elegant solution but it has worked 100% of the time to fix this issue so far.