This is simply a reminder post to myself because I always have trouble finding this file. To update host file in windows 7 navigate to:
From there just double click the host file and input a url in the following format
IP address
This is really useful for testing website code once you have moved it from your local server onto your production server without actually needed to update the DNS of the domain and potentially sending live visitors to a broken site.
I had been struggling to find any documentation on how to fix an error on my kenwood Bluetooth car stereo. Every time I tried to pair my phone the stereo screen would just flash “device full”. The solution to this is to delete the current stored devices from the stereo. Apparently you can only have 5 devices connected at a time, and if you ever “re-pair” your phone it stores as another device so I guess I had used up all 5 devices.
It was rather hard to figure out how to delete a device, since there were not any great or easy to understand instructions so I wrote down the steps below. If you have been banging your head on your steering wheel trying to get your phone to pair with your radio you are in luck, follow the 6 steps below and you will be have your phone paired to your stereo in no time!.
1.) Hit the phone icon button on the radio (its right to the left of the volume knob and it has a picture of a phone icon on it)
2.) Scroll the volume knob till “settings” shows on the screen, then push the volume knob in to select device settings
3.) Scroll the volume knob to find “paring” then once “paring” is showing on the screen push the volume knob in again to select it
4.) Scroll till you find “DVC Delete” then push the volume knob in to enter the DVC device list
5.) Find the device to delete, push volume knob, then scroll to yes and push in knob in to confirm deletion.
6.) Repeat until unit is free of devices
That’s the steps it took to remove a device from my model radio which is a kdc-bt555u. Hopefully that helped you fix an annoying problem.
A while back I decided that I wanted to tackle leveling the floor in my home, or at the very least level the dining room floor so our games of Foosball would have a more even playing surface. At the same time as leveling the floor I also really wanted to install joist hangers to add some rigidity as well as help stop the slow rotation the floorboards were making over time. You see back in the 1930’s when the house was built they did not realized that they needed to secure the boards to keep them from twisting. In all fairness they did realize they needed to do this, but all the builders did was put 2 small trusses in the middle of each board, which was helpful but still allowed the ends of the board to rotate freely… which over the past 80 years they have done and in the process have become significantly un-level…. To get a feel for the gaps that we were trying to correct see the image below:
Center boards running parallel to the staircase. Notice the 1.5 inch drop where the floor boards meet
Now I wanted to touch on a couple very helpful tips and equipment to use:
1.) You can hammer the nails in for the joist hangers, but each hanger requires up to 8 nails… and your have to swing the hammer in a super small space… so in lew of that I opted for a palm nail hammer.
I liked this tool so much I just bought one
2.) To operate the nail hammer you need an air compressor, nothing fancy something like the one shown below will do the trick:
thanks for letting me borrow this dad
3.) To check your work you will want at least a 4 foot level & for jacking purposes I borrowed an engine/transmission jack from my Dad which worked perfect.
Now onto some helpful tips:
1.) Get a large piece of wood (2X12 is ideal) and place it under the jack to spread the force across a wider area. This will mitigate the risk of cracking the basement floor
2.) Don’t be afraid of the sound of cracking wood, its going to pop and crack a little. But what you do want to do is jack slowly. No more than 1-2 turns per minute. Remember the house has taken a long time to sink, we don’t need to rush jacking it back up.
3.) Once you get each board leveled, go ahead and put your joist hanger in place before moving on. This will help keep the boards from settling back down.
4.) Take time between ever one or 2 boards to walk up to the level above where you are jacking to check the walls for signs of cracking/shifting. You don’t want to end up cracking old plaster walls and making more work for yourself.
That pretty well covers how to level the old floors in your house. Hopefully you find these ideas/tips helpful and if you decide to tackle a project like this on your own feel free to drop us a comment below or leave a screenshot of your newly level floor:
I recently purchased a Nest Thermostat, I’ve gotten tons of questions from friends and family about it so figured I would write a blog post on it and direct anyone with questions here:
Step 1: Turn off the power to your furnace and thermostat, then decide if your system will work with a nest? Any low voltage system works with a nest, according to their website they say that is ~95% of all home systems. A real easy way to check is to pull off the cover plate on your thermostat, and check the back. If it says less than 95 volts you are good to go (for reference mine was installed in 1982, and was listed as 25 Volts). A quick picture of what removing the cover plate looks like is below:
Cover plate removed, there is actually still 1 cover plate over the “internal” housing
Step 2: After you have determined that your system will work with nest, its time to buy and install one. This is very straightforward, and they come with solid directions. The first one I installed took about 25 minutes, the second one took about 10. To start with you have to fully remove the cover plate on the wall (not just the cover plate from step 1 above, there is actually a second plate that needs to be removed) See picture below: Second cover plate removed, wiring exposed. To complete your Nest install you will have to remove this 3rd cover plate as well
A couple notes from this picture:
-You will have an extra “jumper” wire or 2 that don’t hook to anything once you install the nest, that’s fine these are no longer needed
-You will have a big hole where your old thermostat was, dont worry Nest provides a plate to cover up this hole
-Once you unhook the wires from the plate, and unscrew it make sure to hold onto them as you remove the old cover so wiring does not fall back into the wall
-If you are the one installing the nest, make sure to download the app onto your phone so you can exert unilateral control of the thermostat from wherever you are!
The Final Result and Cost Savings
-First full month with Nest installed my heating bill was 113.21, My previous months heating bill was 157.23.
-Second full month my bill stayed pretty constant at 110.51 (both of those are great savings!)
-As its starting to heat up and the AC is needed, I’ve saving a ton of money by not cooling the house much during the day.
Final install photo:
Miscellaneous notes:
I’ve found after installing and living with the Nest for several months that is its well made product, and it is really promoting me to be more energy conscious. It gives me the “leaf” scores, and almost gameifies energy savings a bit. I’ve found myself not using the AC much during the day, and then just opening the windows at night to cool the house down… I spend a lot of time in the basement anyway so its has been surprisingly easy for me. In conclusion if you are on the fence about getting a nest, Do it! And if you have an old “dumb” thermostat you will save enough money to pay the nest off in a year or two so its more than worth it “financially”
I starting replying as a comment to the great article Julia wrote about affirmative action, if you haven’t read it you can find it here. Julia has such a great perspective on life, and I loved her article. I also love the ending line (sharing a strong opinion is liberating).
Seeing as I am neither black, nor grew up in a poor family with only 1 parental figure I am confident that I’m woefully unqualified to pass judgment on affirmative action, however I feel that both affirmative action & the bit on female rights that Julia touched on fall under the bigger umbrella of “fairness” which I would like to share my perspective on.
Julia touches on a very sensitive subject with her paragraph on female sexual abuse. I agree with her 100% that blaming the victim is the exact opposite way to go. Women should feel comfortable wearing whatever clothing they want too, and no one should ever make a sexual comment or advance towards a women that is unwanted. That being said I would like to see women (and men) everywhere take their personal protection into their own hands. This is one of the biggest reasons that if I ever have a daughter I will be teaching her martial arts. The world is a hard, unfair place. People everywhere will take advantage of you if you let them. Women especially need to empower themselves to defend themselves if/when necessary. This does not nessisaraly mean physical conflict, but the confidence to assert yourself verbally starts with the knowledge that you can physically defend yourself. The best way I can explain my point is to use the words of my Kempo instructor in.
“You need to define your personal line of comfort for all social interactions. The line is completely your choice. It does not have to be related to the law, or any external view point what so ever. Its your line, and your line alone. If your line is someone putting their hands on you without your consent, then when that line is crossed you execute your game plan and that’s all there is too it. No hesitations, no guess work. No should I do x,y,z. Your line is crossed, and there is a consequence for whoever crossed it. Which brings us to the next point, you have a simple “go to” game plan for any situation where your line has been crossed. Again there is no guess work on what you will do, you have a simple plan, you execute it and the conflict is brought to a conclusion. But the biggest thing I want to stress is that our own personal safety is OUR RESPONSIBILITY, no one else’s. Of course we strive to live in a society where bad things like female sexual harassment don’t happen. But the facts of life are you control whether someone takes advantage of you. If you don’t stand up for yourself, no one else can.
Affirmative action for college entrance is an extremely complicated situation. Ultimately I think something needs to be done to help even “the playing field of life” for kids. Many people are born into basically impossible situations. 1 or no parent, no social support system or extended family, not enough money to live adequately. For someone like that to prosper they need to have some advantages pointed their way. In lew of college entrance I think we would be a lot better served a society if we tried to help kids sooner. I think once they hit college age that its too late. I’d love to see something done much earlier, but again I’m not sure what this would be exactly…. I think I will give it more thought and maybe discuss with Julia to try and form an idea for something better than the current system we have in place.
“I am astonished at the ease with which uninformed persons come to a settled, a passionate opinion when they have no grounds for judgment.”
-William Golding
Over the past couple of days I have read several articles about The University of Michigan being allowed by the Supreme Court to uphold their ban on Affirmative Action, and I cannot help but feel the above quote so adequately fits the situation – for those six on the Court who voted to uphold the ban. I’m sorry, but I do not wish to live in a “color-blind” society. it creeps me out, like some Utopic book where the beginning seems so lovely and nice and then as the pages turn more is revealed about how creativity is stiffled, big brother is controlling everything, or SURPRISE you’re living in a fake microcosm literally locked away from the real world.
There are people of different colors, languages, religions, beliefs, and cultures just as there are people of different genders, sexes, ages and sizes; each with a unique experience of the world (both putting things out differently into the world and receiving things differently from the world).
Justice Roberts had a simple opinion (circa 2007) of the issue, stating “the way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop discriminating on the basis of race.” But why does the discrimination have to stop first in an area that is providing a benefit to those who suffered/suffer most from discrimination? Why shouldn’t the discrimination have to stop on the side- the side of those inflicting their prejudices and racism on others from an individual level to the institutional racism?
It reminds me of the simple, passionate, and wrong judgement that the best way to stop a rape from occurring is for the girl to dress more conservatively. Its utter ridiculousness. Our society needs to stop needling the victim and start asking how conversations can begin and behaviors can be taught differently so women can wear what they want and minorities can stop feeling racism and discrimination coming at them every day.
Times are different from the days of segregation and Jim Crow laws, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t much more to work on- and it certainly doesn’t mean America is “off the hook” when in comes to Affirmative Action. I think the day we can safely remove Affirmative Action is two part: 1a. The statistics on hate crimes based on race and skin color are slim to none- or at least consistently even with all other violent crime involving the majority, white society/ 1b. That social cues sighting institutional racism are also gone (my social science research friends can certainly find a way to measure this) and 2. that each child in ANY public school has the same opportunities and learning available to them; to honestly give them a fair playing field on the way to achieving their higher education dreams.
Mic drop. (P.S. sharing a strong opinion is liberating).