
Its All Your Choice

This is a short article I enjoy reading from time to time to help re-enforce my decision making process. The daily grind of negativity from society can weigh on you and its important to remember simple lessons like this:

Each morning I wake up and say to myself, you have two

choices today. You can choose to be in a good mood or ..

you can choose to be in a bad mood

I choose to be in a good


Each time something bad happens,

I can choose to be a victim or…I can choose to learn

from it. I choose to learn from


Every time someone comes to me

complaining, I can choose to accept their complaining

or… I can point out the positive side of life. I

choose the positive side of life.’

‘Yeah, right,

it’s not that easy,’ I protested.

‘Yes, it is,’ he said. ‘Life is

all about choices. When you cut away all the junk, every

situation is a choice. You choose how you react to

situations. You choose how people affect your


You choose to be

in a good mood or bad mood. The bottom line: It’s your

choice how you live your life.


1 Speech that makes me believe in God (kind of)

Sometimes I really love to start my day listening to an MLK speech.  I am not a particularly religious person.  I do however consider myself very spiritual…… and for those of you out there that say that is a cop out and I need to commit to believing in God or not believing in God please hit ALT F4 now, stop trying to force your religion on me and everyone else you see, besides if you thought that your probably the type of person who trolls people for using condoms or for being gay so I don’t have any interest in talking to you.

Back to one of my favorite videos of all time.  This is MLK’s last speech.  And right around the 1:30  mark it starts to get pretty amazing (and also kind of spooky).   If you look closely at his eyes during this portion of the speech, when he talks about living a long life, and about going up to the mountain top to look over at the promise land…. I swear it looks like he is looking directly at “GOD” or at least at a place that the rest of us can not see…. regardless of your religious affiliation take 3 minutes out of your day and watch this video… its fucking great.


Benefits of encrypting your web traffic

With all of the revaluations about the NSA (insert any number of articles)  I thought it would be a good idea to touch on the benefits of using a VPN service.  Now before you stop reading this article because “your not doing anything wrong so who cares if they are looking at your internet traffic” let me quickly explain several other cool uses for encrypting your traffic, and also tell you why you should care even that anyone is looking at your private data (even if you don’t break the law!)

Normal everyday uses for VPN:

-circumvent local sports blackouts and watch your favorite sports team online while saving tons of money on your cable bill.

-protect your laptop/smartphone/tablet while you are connected from a public hotspots

-stop online companies from capturing your web browsing trends and advertising to you + selling your likes/interests to data mining companies who in turn direct market to you (think spam snail mail)

-stop companies, and the government from spying on you!

There are tons of companies out there that offer solid VPN services.  At the end of the day its kind of a crap shoot weather or not they really store you internet logs (companies in the US are very likely to be forced into compiling with the NASA to turn over logs/store info about users).  For that reason my VPN company of choice is Viper VPN.  They “own” all of their infrastructure, and they are based in Switzerland. Very far from the long arm of the US spy machine.

Setting up the VPN is about as easy as it gets. You download their local client for your machine (they cover all major operating systems including windows, android, IOS, and linux).  From their you can set the program to start when windows boots up and your connection will forever be encrypted.

This is not a fool proof method, and yes if someone as powerful as the US government wants to reach your silly emails and texts they will figure out a way to do it.  However that does not mean we should make it easier for our rights to be trampled on.  It might sound silly, and like I am up on a soap box here but collectively as a society, we in the US are as “free” from government tyranny  as any society in the history of the earth has ever been.   There is a shift happening in the social consciousness of our country that it is “ok” to loose “some” of our rights in order to be better protected from terrorism.  If we continue down the current path we are going to severely regress as a nation in terms of the freedom to live our lives, and we will loose all notion of privacy….. like the great MLK once said:

If I lived in China or Russia or any totalitarian country maybe I could understand the denial of certain basic 1’st amendment privileges because they haven’t committed themselves to that over there. But somewhere I read of the freedom of assembly.  Somewhere I read of the freedom of speech.  Somewhere I read of the freedom of press.  SOMEWHERE I READ that the greatness of America is the right to protest for rights!







Great Quote From A Good Friend

I’m going to share a great quote that my friend Travis and I crafted together a couple weekends ago while drinking a few (possibly too many) beers. The quote references the thought I constantly have about how I get my best work done between the hours of ~10:00 p.m. – 2:00 a.m.

Minds are like computers working on a network of consciousness. Whenever you are up very late or very early, the network is clear and its easier to distinguish your own thoughts as opposed to being flooded with the static of other minds on the network. Your most original and best thoughts are accessed during this time. – Travis & Sam


First Post

This is the first post on our new blog… not really I’ll delete this a make a cooler one later.