Samuel Technology

Backing up P90x3 into ISO disk image files

We just bought the new P90X3 DVD’s and so far they are very solid. Like I’ve done with the past P90’s I wanted to burn these to ISO files for safe keeping, and also its just much easier to mount them virtually on any computer in my house and run them without the disks. These CD’s had a little bit different encryption on them, so just wanted to post a note about converting them to ISO files.

First, what programs will not work to convert them:


Program that did work:
WinX DVD Ripper Platinum: (

Notes about saving:

1.) You can save the image files without all of the intro content, so that it will auto start right at the beginning of each workout. To do this you just have to open up the CD’s, watch all the way through till where you select the workout, and take note of the track title. (Most of the CD’s start on track title 4 or 5). When you are looking in Winx DVD you can also take note of the time, since the workouts are all exactly 30 mins you can find the titles that are close to 30 mins and get a good idea of the content.

You can save the files in whatever format you want, but I chose to convert them to MP4 files so that they are smaller and I can play them without having to mount them as Disk Images. In terms of a “backup” this is not really a full backup, however in terms of ease of daily use having the MP4 file is a lot easier/more useful than having the full .iso backup.

When choosing the titles to copy, look for the titles with 40:06 listed as their time. There will be 2 on each DVD, those are just the workouts without the filler ads or any other content

Fixing Stuff Samuel

notes for troubleshooting wamp install

To see what else is running on port 80:
(in the command prompt run)
netstat -aon| findstr :80

To Fix error message:
vcruntime140.dll is missing from your computer

Fix by downloading Redistributable C++
If that one doesn’t work, fix by downloading the 2012 version

the 2012 version successfully installed for me on windows 7, 2015 version would not install

path to httpd.conf file:

**tip** open this in notepadd++ for improved formatting

Fix the broken links to folder on the default localhost page:
find the local host suppression code and set to false
$suppress_localhost = false;

That is all for now, I will continue to add tips onto this page as I find them…. the next thing I would really like to do is set a symlink from the wamp www folder to my local freenas machine, this would look something like:

/wamp/www/projectx /freenas/path-to-website-files/projectx

I’m pretty sure this can be done, it for sure can be done locally but adding in the complexitiy of doing of a cifs windows share is a little too much for today….. will save that for another time.

Fixing Stuff Samuel

SSH Commands to Search for Hacked Files

So if you have a WP site that gets “hacked” and you want to search for what files are effected there are a couple nice server commands you can run to make the process of finding the files much faster:

1.) Search your entire site for base64 code

grep -r base64_decode *

2.) Search for files recently changed

find ~/public_html -type f -ctime -7

*This example searches for any files changed in the last 7 days, you can update the -7 to any day amount

Fixing Stuff Freenas Samuel

fixing file permissions for windows on freenas cifs share

So I ran into an issue today where I could not copy a file from my freenas machine down to my local windows machine. The exact error message was:

you need permission to perform this action

you require permission from Unix User\”username” to make changes to this file.

The solution to this problem is to open up your freenas shell window (just navigate to your machine in the browser window, login and hit shell). Once you do that locate the file you want to move and type “chmod 777 filename” and hit enter. That will change the permissions on the file and you will be able to copy it over to your local windows machine.

Fixing Stuff Samuel

auto trader theme fixes

to fix the pricing issues upload my local copy of the following:

this is the code:

this is the code:

(theme_config/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes), this is the code:

' . $out .'

(theme_config/extensions/shortcodes/shortcodes), this is the code:

' . $out . '

Let us know if you need more assistance.

side-right.php located in offer-views folder.

Fixing Stuff

Fixing WooCommerce Error

I was having the following error today on a woocommerce enabled website:

Division by zero in woocommerce/content-product.php on line 33

To Fix this issue:

1.) Navigate to Appearance > customize > section Woocommerce
2.) Change the selected column amount, grid style, and products per page.

*really just changing one will work, then save. This change is all you need to do, you can even change back to the original layout, woocommerce just needed to be saved in a different format.