
Starting Something New

Am I the only person who waits until something new is starting in one area of life to make changes in others?

I start a new job next week and with this new start is the possibility of fresh starts all over the place. I am already getting back into a rhythm of running outside or going to the gym and I think I am going to train for a half marathon and run one for the second time.
Its like I get stuck in behavior/attitude ruts until something comes along to shake me out of it. This weekend I  made some changes in how I have been handling a family situation, and while it was super awkward to see someone for the first time in two years, it took this feeling of guilt mixed with anger away and put me back in control of the situation.

The newness feeling has me wanting things I stopped thinking I could have – because if someone will hire me to help others, I am feeling way more motivated to help myself.


“The remedy for negative self talk, then, is not the search for unanimous praise from the outside world. It’s a hopeless journey, and one that destroys the work, because you will water it down in fear of that outside critic that amplifies your internal one.

The remedy is accurate and positive self talk. Endless amounts of it.” – S. Godin

One reply on “Starting Something New”

habits and rituals are hard to break, your not alone in that! I’ve found the best way to approach change I want to make. IE if I want to run in the morning just get up and put on running shoes first thing. Then after a couple days its like ok get up, put on runnings hoes and walk down the block. Then after a few days of that a little habit has formed.

Admittedly my biggest battle of waking up early I’ve not found a way to conquer yet… just look at the time stamp on this reply haha

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