Finance Samuel

Thanking Triple M

This post is about saying thanks to Pete. I wanted to float the idea of doing something on a recurring basis to thank Pete for creating his website. I love the concept that “we are the sum of the 5 people we spend the most time around”. By writing his blog Pete has allowed us to be around him virtually and soak up so many amazing, life altering principals. For that I’m extremely grateful to Pete. Trying to think of the best way to say thanks I’m reminded of another great quote “give me a big enough lever and I can move the world”. With that in mind it seems like the best gift we could give Pete is the power to amplify the leverage of his website. I’d love if other people would weigh in with hopefully bigger and better ideas but my brainstorm on this has surfaced the following idea:

The best way to increase the visibility and usefulness of the MMM site is to improve the forum. The forum scales, whereas Pete is one human, the forum is a collective of people and ideas, capable of generating amazing content at scale. If the forum was able to automatically bubble up the best content, and display it to users this would maximize the usefulness of the MMM site. Due to the nature of the current forum with repeat posts and hard to navigate threads we end up with a never ending train of advice for each subject which is not as beneficial as the best advice bubbled up to the surface by a voting algorithm (think stack overflow but for the FI world). If we could take all the content currently on the forum and put it inside of a stack overflow type system where the best answers are eventually bubbled to the top via user ratings, then the forum would potentially benefit countless more people, and Pete’s secrete mission would be 1 step closer to fruition