We just completed a pretty big milestone, the first major round of renovations on the sisters house property. In total we completed:
-new roofs on all gabled front porches
-tear off where needed and replace wood on all porches. The porches are made from a rare kind of wood (forgetting the name now) but our contractor really praised it and pleaded with us not to tear it all off. So we followed his advice and most of it simple got a scrape, sand and re-paint
-6 new mailboxes
-Cut down 3 trees. Never a fan of cutting down trees but these were too close to the house and we plan on planting 3 new trees in the tree-lawn by the curb
-All Cable lines run underground in the backyard
-All new Electrical boxes for 6 electrical services in the back yard (lines to be run underground August 8th)
-Demo and clean basements in 6165 and 6161 units.
-fabricated new “eye brows” that will go up on the roofs during our next round of updates, which will also include the second round of copper work and the new spires.
A few pictures of before, during and after are below.